The Institutes for Human Potential Children’s Books & Materials


By Gayle Cotton

Circles Of Excellence specializes in Corporate Training, Executive Leadership Coaching, and educational Keynote Speakers.

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential specializes in the education of young children, babies, and the books and educational materials for parents to use with them. I have personal experience with the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, and their educational materials are some of the best I’ve seen.

The Institutes have spent 68 years of search and discovery in child brain development. They have significantly improved the lives of millions of children through their life-changing education, courses for parents, and children’s books and educational supplies.

Check out their fantastic collection of children’s books and educational supplies at the link below. It just may be the best thing you’ve done for your child!

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential Books and Educational materials:

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