Cultural Tips for Canada – including some valuable business travel tips for Canada!
Canada is an extraordinarily beautiful country with mountains, rivers, lakes and fabulous formal gardens, so comments on beautiful geography are appreciated.
There is an old European style to the architecture in Canada, more English on the west coast and French on the east coast.
Many things can be purchased in Canada that are not available in the US, especially in the larger cities.
Canada is very much a part of international business and has very diverse cultures and trade.
Punctuality should always be a priority. Be on time for all business-related meetings.
Boasting or bragging tends to be frowned upon or at least regarded with some misgivings.
Remember that people in many countries write the day first, then the month, then the year (e.g. November 8, 2021, is written 8.11.21). This is usually the case in Canada.
Negotiating styles are similar to those in the United States, although the pace may be slightly slower.
Canada is a multicultural society, and the customs of businesspeople may reflect their ethnic background.
Canada is a very open-minded country, exercising maximum social tolerance.
Canada is officially bilingual. The federal government works in the two official languages – English and French.
Canadians who are primarily English-speaking are commonly referred to as “Anglophones.”
Since many English-speaking Canadians are not of British descent, reserve the term “British Canadian” for immigrants to Canada from the U.K.
English speaking Canada uses British spelling rules rather than that of US English. Behavior, for instance, is spelled ‘Behaviour’.
Francophones in French Speaking Canada (Quebec and parts of eastern Canada) usually are not as reserved as Anglophones (British Columbia and parts of western Canada).
French speaking Canadians are more likely to use expansive gestures, stand closer while talking, and touch during a conversation.
In the province of Quebec, there are very stringent French-language requirements for all commercial endeavors.
If working in Quebec, it’s always best if you provide a French translation for promotional material and other documents.
Generally, it’s an asset to include both French and English translations on your business card anywhere in Canada.
If you can speak some French, that’s always appreciated in French speaking Canada.
Although they are not overtly nationalistic “flag wavers”, Canadians appreciate visitors that recognize and appreciate the many unique attributes that make their country distinct from the United States.
5 Key Conversation or Cultural Gesture Tips
If you need to point, it’s okay to use the index finger. However, pointing at people is generally considered rude.
Sports are an excellent topic to talk about with Canadians. Popular sports include hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, golf, and tennis.
Canadians typically enjoy discussing travel of all sorts, especially international travel.
Canada has excellent shopping in the larger cities, both on the east and west coasts, so this is always a fun topic for discussion.
Talking about music, art, and cultural of all types is common in Canada, and the coasts of Canada have remained true to the European appreciation of the Arts.
5 Key Conversation or Cultural Gesture Taboos
Making comparisons that emphasizes any inferiority or similarity to the U.S.
Quebec separatism or other possible conflicts between French and English Canada.
Comparisons between the Canadian and US Health Care Systems or medical insurance.
Any inferiority of the Canadian dollar in comparison to the US dollar.
Religion in general, although Canada is very tolerant of most religions.
Bon Voyage!
Join us in the future for Do’s and Taboos for CHILI!
Cultural Tips for Canada – including some valuable business travel tips for Canada!
To learn more about the Dos and Taboos for different cultures, and the cultural communication styles for Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East – order Gayle Cotton’s bestselling book available on Amazon as a Book, eBook, or Audio Book
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Cultural Tips for Canada – including some valuable business travel tips for Canada
This article on cultural differences in Canada and cultural travel tips for Canada is a brief snapshot of conversation guidelines for Canada, tips for communicating in Canada, and business strategies for Canada to help with understanding the culture in Canada. It’s important to keep in mind that as we homogenize as a ‘global culture,’ cultural tendencies change and evolve as well. Awareness is the first step when it comes to cultural Do’s and Taboos for Canada and tips for intercultural communication!
It’s easy for business travelers to think that even when they travel, business is going to be done pretty much the same way it is at home. But that’s not always the case. Cultural differences can have a significant impact on global business etiquette. That’s why it’s important for business travelers to make sure that they understand the culture of the country that they’re doing business in.
Emmy Award Winner, Gayle Cotton, is the author of this blog and of the bestselling cross-cultural communication book ‘SAY Anything to Anyone, Anywhere! 5 Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication’, which is available on Amazon as a Book, eBook, or Audio Book. She is President of Circles Of Excellence Inc. and a Professional Keynote Speaker. Contact Gayle if you need professional speakers for events, speakers on cultural diversity, conference speakers for events, or keynote speakers that specialize in cross-cultural training. She is a leader in the field of public speakers, motivational speakers, and international keynote speakers. She is among the best of female keynote speakers and women motivational speakers and is a ‘first choice’ request for international audiences!
Circles Of Excellence provides Corporate Training, Leadership Coaching, and Professional Keynote Speakers for companies of all sizes and in all industries, including over 50 Fortune 500 companies. Contact us about our customtraining programs for Communication Skills, Cross-Cultural Communication, Cultural Diversity, Customer Service, Leadership Coaching, Presentation Skills, Sales Negotiations, Stress Management, Team building, and Time Management Training.
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